Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm obviously terrible at this...

Well, its obvious that I'm not the world's best blogger. Perhaps, I should explain myself...

First of all, I'm terrible at doing things on a schedule. I can manage going to class every day, going to work every day, and going to sleep every day (though never at a regimented time). I'm also usually good at remembering to eat a few times a day, thanks to a grumbly tummy and a knack at eating when I'm bored. But let's face it...I'm not good at routine. It's not my strong suit. When it comes to a set schedule, I'm as right-brained, type B as they come. So naturally, it's difficult for me to commit to making one thing every week and blog about it. And I'm also a poor college senior. Maybe in a few months when I'm in the big girl, working world, with a job and a house, I'll be able to do this a little more steadily. Plus, I'm sure I'll have fun stories to share about the adventures of getting settled into a house with two roommates and my precious pup Hercules. 
So I'll catch you up on all the fun since my last post (which was March 7th, by the way. Yeah, I stink).

Over Spring Break, I drank my first whole beer. Okay, it was Woodchuck, which is technically a cider and apparently that doesn't count steps! I'm still proud of myself! If you are like me, and you want to drink beer but you can't muscle past the "horse pee" smell and taste (or what I assume horse pee would be like), then Woodchuck is a great starter. Also, if you like apple cider or sparkling apple juice...pretty much the same thing. This beer is gluten-free and pretty tasty if you ask me!

During Spring Break, I also had a day trip to Savannah with the boyfriend. If you've never been to Savannah, GA, stop what you're doing right now and start planning a trip. It is my favorite place in the world. And I had the privilege of living there for six years, so this is not a tourist infatuation. This is a bonafide love affair with this city. It has something for everyone. Sightseeing, bars, restaurants to die for, and if you appreciate the fine arts, you'll be in heaven! If you go (or have gone, or plan to go back soon), you should stop by this amazing little cookie store that has become a family favorite. It's called "Two Smart Cookies
The name alone is just delicious. So cute! I prefer the iced sugar cookies but all of their treats are great! On this particular trip, I chose a little pink alligator!
Next, I traveled to the Azalea City, Valdosta Ga. This is where my family lives now. We were past Valdostians when I was in 4th and 5th grade. My dad's journeys as a Methodist minister have brought us back to this city. Now, I don't dislike Valdosta. It is gorgeous. But if you would like to know how hot it might be in hell, come to Valdosta in mid-June. Good grief! However, Georgia didn't have a winter this year so the azaleas were in full bloom by this time. So pretty! 
Here's a picture of my cat, who apparently pays the bills with some modeling on the side, with some azaleas in the distance. 
When I returned from my spring break adventures, life continued as usual. Probably the only craft I've done since my last post was a quick and SUPER easy cow costume for my boss's daughter. All I did was cut cow spots out of black felt and glue them onto an oversized white t-shirt. If you sew, you could (and probably should) sew them on. But i've not yet learned to sew, so I hot glued them. Then, I cut strips of the felt, braided them, and glued them to the bottom back of the shirt, and tied a bow at the end. Like I said, VERY simple. Here's a pic!
I have also become a new member of a service called Birchbox. Maybe you've heard of it. This great little company will send you a box of 4 to 5 high end beauty samples for the affordable price of 10$ a month! There is a waiting list, but I wasn't on it for long. I received my very first Birchbox this month. I got an exciting array of products to try.
 I have really enjoyed all of them, especially the hair oil sample I was given, which I may be purchasing once I'm getting a more steady income. That oil is called Orofluido. Weird name, that's for sure. But it took my coarse, curly, permed-a-year-ago hair and made it soft and silky. This is a miracle oil. 
On March 16th, I traveled back to Savannah with my dear friend Cheyenne. The event was St. Patrick's Day. This year broke the record for the amount of people gathered for St. Pat' the world! Savannah is the place to go, with the second largest parade in the world and fun all around to celebrate the city's mass of citizens with authentic Irish heritage. It's a sight to be seen, for sure. Here's Boyfriend and I waiting on the parade to begin. Someone should tell him the phrase goes "Kiss me I'm Irish". We got it mixed up, I think. In this pair, I'm DEFINITELY the more Irish one :) 
We also went out after the parade and had a blast! We saw a band called Liquid Ginger and they were fantastic! We had so much fun, dancing and singing along. The streets were PACKED with people. It was similar to how I felt at Mardi Gras this year. But once we got into Wild Wings, we were safe. It wasn't too crowded at all. 
A few weeks later, I went home to see my family. Our church in Valdosta does an Easter play called The Promise and it was phenomenal! My mom, dad, and sister were in it. the sanctuary was completely redone to look like the temple and mountain side of bible times. 

And speaking of transformations, check out my mom and dad, circa bible times! 
Of course my mom is STILL a hottie, even as a villager from bible times!
And that makeup really made my sweet daddy's baby blues shine! 

Despite all of the Promise shenanigans, I got in a little time with my family and with the gorgeous weather, we laid outside with the pets and soaked up the sun. Hercules really enjoyed himself.
After a chasing butterflies and prowling around like a lioness, Mulligan was pooped! She came inside to feel some AC on her fur. 
Cheyenne and I have been babysitting four boys (from two families) on Tuesdays for a few months now. Last week, we took them to Dairy Queen to get blizzards and play in the grass at the new mall. We all got rowdy and had so much fun with them. They're sweet but boy are they a handful! 
Cheyenne seems to have in under control though...
 That night, we went to the younger of the four boys baseball game. One of them were focused on the game, but Cheyenne's younger boy was so infatuated and excited about Cheyenne being there, he could barely focus on the game. Here's my little fella, up to bat! 
In my Teaching Children Through Music class, we had to teach a lesson. One girl brought in a huge variety of fruits and veggies to teach about healthy eating and at the end she made smoothies! This has really no other bearing on my life other than the fact that it was so cool! 

I also did a LOT of weeding out. I realized that I have way too many clothes and this will make my life so much more difficult when I have to move into the house in May. A huge pile went to the Annie's Closet Consignment store that I run at the Campus Store. The ones that were not sellable went to Goodwill. But I feel much better about the number of items in my closet. I feel refreshed about the idea of "out with the old, in with the new". 
This weekend, my three roommates and I went out for dinner and drinks downtown. We had a lot of fun and we really enjoy spending time together! 
We'll surely be missing each other in a a little over a month! 

This Sunday, our little sisters took us on our Big/Little trip. They surprised us with a trip to Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta. If you never been there, you should totally check it out. Dinner, drinks, and a great play! We saw The Merry Wives of Windsor. The actors were immensely talented. 
A good time was had by all! And our Littles even got us customized Green Knight shot glasses!'re all caught up! I wish you and your family a wonderful Easter! 
Thanks for reading my blog, despite my sporadic posts. 
I leave you with a picture of my beautiful little college, that I will be graduating from in exactly a month. Thank heavens I won't have to leave! 
Hail Wesleyan, thou emblem of all that is grand!