Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hello Old Friends

Hello Old Friends! 

After a rather lengthy hiatus, I am ready to get back into the blogosphere. 
I know...I know...I've said this several times before. But I really am. 
Lately, I have felt a deep need within me to write. And to be creative in some way. 
My creativity has really fallen to the wayside lately. Of course, my job as a Pre-K teacher keeps me somewhat creative but I have just felt a need to get out LOTS of my thoughts and creativity in the past few months. It's been bottle up and it's about to come bursting out!

But for this post, I'll need to get you all caught up :)

So first things first, my other blog, Pre-K in the GA, is WAY behind. And by way behind, I mean a year. I didn't keep up with it and I really regret that because this year's class has been a DOOZIE. They're all wild as a March hare. Since I could never catch up and haven't been diligent about writing all the happenings and sayings down, I will just mix them in with this blog, until the end of the month, and for August and September, which will be my last two months of teaching Pre-K in the GA, since I will be moving to Kansas in October. I hope to be able to get a job working with children when I move, but the job market is rough so of course I'll be happy with any job for which I am qualified. 

Oh...why am I moving you ask? Well I would be happy to tell you! I'M GETTING MARRIED! Check out our website :)
Wedding planning with B and my family has been so much fun. No drama, no stress. Just enjoying letting the planner in me take over. 

This weekend, my mother, my sister, and I went to Fort Lauderdale to see the magnificent Lady Gaga open her artRAVE: the ARTPOP ball tour. It was incredible, a huge party and we had such a blast together. We even squeezed in a bit of beach time. 

This week is Teacher's Appreciation Week AND Mother's Day, so my mom will be receiving a double dose of lovin'. And I'm pretty lucky...I've gotten some goodies from my classroom kids too! A cookie for making them a "smart cookie", a pack of notecards as just a "note" to say thank you, a swiss roll, and some beautiful artwork. But probably my most treasured gift is a card, made by one of my children in Speech. It was really simple, just a little bit colored in, and there was a note where she told the Speech teacher what to write. It read: 

Miss Bishop, 
Thank you for letting me go outside. I love to hug you. Thank you for letting my paint flowers. You can come to my house. You are beautiful. I love you.

When I read this on the playground, I began to tear up. Lately, I've felt so self-conscious. The new found confidence of having clear{er} skin has been counteracted by how cruddy the rest of my body has been feeling. I haven't been listening to what my body is telling me, I've been slacking on eating healthy and exercising, so I've gained some weight back
But it is so wonderful to know that my little people don't see any of that. Kids have a real knack for seeing beauty on the inside, because you love them, hug them, invest in them. 
Kids are just awesome. 

"While we try to teach children all about life, 
children teach us what life is all about" -Angela Schwindt

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