It is finished.
As of May 5th, 2012, I am a college graduate, with a degree from Wesleyan College in Psychology. It was a rough four years, but from it I gleaned an eternal thirst for knowledge, an ability to intelligently question information handed to me in my surroundings with a critical eye, and friendships that will last me the rest of my entire life. I look back and can feel nothing but grateful for the opportunity and thankful that I grabbed that opportunity by the horns and made the best of it.
Now, before the waterworks begin, lets catch up....
My graduation party was a ladies only "T" party for Taylor. We all worn big fun hats, much like we were attending the Kentucky Derby instead of a party, and we sipped tea and sangria. It was lovely. And my momma is about the most hardworkin' party planner you'll ever meet. Parties are really her forte. She is amazing.
Here's a fuzzy phone picture of my sister, Abigail, my mother, and me.
This is my sister Abigail and me with my mother's mother-Memomma-and my father's mother-MiMi.
I was so happy to have them there!
Many more graduation activities went on, like Candlelighting (a Wesleyan tradition where seniors are inducted to the Alumnae Association), Move-up Banquet (another Wesleyan event), and Baccaulareate. My mother spoke and of course, due to an immense bias, I think she was the best. However, most everyone in attendance will tell you she was also the longest of all the parents' speeches. What can I say? We're talkers.
I adore my family, the blood relatives, the ones I have found along the way, the family Wesleyan gave me. I love them, and I cannot emphasize that enough. But having all of them surrounding me at one time on the day of my graduation was both a blessing and a curse to this little Southern Belle who was brought up to be a hostess in all occasions. I was torn between loving on my mom, dad, and sister, spending time with my man, with whom my days were numbered (he leaves for Air Force basic training in two weeks!), my grandparents who are as sweet as can be and I love to be around, my Wesleyan little sisters who generally just light up my life and make me giggle constantly, and my wonderful "in-laws. It should be noted that "in-laws" is in quotations because they are not "officially" my in-laws but I believe they will be one day. My "sister-in-law" is quite pregnant and boy has she got the glow! Just gorgeous! But, Lawd help, she did NOT want to be in pictures! I guess there may be a time in the future where I will understand that. But until then, I have this fantastic picture to enjoy...
Me with my "sister-in-law" Margie and "mother-in-law" Ely.
They are a hoot and I just LOVE them!
Before graduating, I moved into a quaint little house, with two of my Wesleyan chums. We have really enjoyed the space this house has provided and the charm it holds. I love being on my own, and when my first big girl paycheck comes in on June 25th, you'll probably find me dancing in my front yard. I'm sure the driver's on Tucker Road would just love that! This house has allowed me the luxury of bringing my dear sweet pup from home, Hercules. He's about nine and I've had him most of his life. SPOILED ROTTEN. But he's my spoiled rotten dog, my protector, my cuddle buddy, and he will surely be my comfort once the man leaves for basic. He loves having his belly rubbed, coming to work with me, and hates the dog park. I mean, he loathes it! He sits at the gate and begs me to take him home.
My roommate adopted an adorable little pup named MaKenna. She is a little rough but is so much fun to play with and BOY is she a lover!
She wants to just cuddle you and kiss you all day long!
I mean! Just look at that hunk of love!
In our house, we have nights where each of us are responsible for making dinner. My night is Sunday, so hopefully this will mean weekly recipes and fill ins about life as a college grad, pet owner, working girl, and girlfriend of a Airman!
So, onto the recipe! Chicken Bundles is a recipe I found on Pinterest and thought it looked fancy. This would be great for a dinner party or if you're taking dinner to someone sick or who has had a family member pass away. It's quick, easy, and delicious! Plus, it left room for me to experiment, which I'm getting better at! which turned Chicken Bundles into....
Chicken Broccoli Bundles
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1-13 oz. can chicken (or equivalent cooked chicken)
1/4 tsp. parsley
2 cans Pillsbury Crescent Rolls - leave in fridge until ready to use!
1 brick of frozen broccoli, thawed (or a veggie of your choice!)
scoop of sour cream
I did change a few things here. I took out the onions and sesame seeds the original recipe called for.
So first, I combined all of the ingredients (except for the crescent rolls) and this is where I threw in a scoop of sour cream. The mix just wasn't as creamy or "chicken-salady" as I wanted it to be. The scoop of sour cream made it much easier to work with and, let's be honest, when is it ever a BAD idea to add sour cream?
After that's all mixed, open up a pack of crescent rolls. Don't make triangles like normal. Instead, make long rectangles by keeping the triangles together in pairs. This will make four rectangles per pack of crescent rolls. Press the rectangles out as big as you can make them. And press close the seams!
Put a scoop of your mix onto each rectangle and bring the opposing corners up to meet and pinch them together. There is no technique to this; all I did was make sure I couldn't see any of the mix on the inside and that all the seams were closed.
Place on a greased pan or one with tin foil, sprinkle some parsley on the top, and bake at 375 for about 15 minutes.
And thats all. Super simple and really delicious!
The leftover mix makes a really yummy chicken salad, and I HATE chicken salad!
Let me know if you tried this and if you changed or added anything!
Have a lovely week!
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